As the apple harvest in the Northern Hemisphere kicks off, the various global markets face differing challenges and situations. In the Netherlands, the season has begun on a positive note, with strong sales of Elstar apples attributed to their exceptional quality. Meanwhile, Germany is experiencing a return to a more typical harvest after a record-breaking year in 2022, with slightly smaller yields of Elstar and Gala apples.

In Austria, frost damage continues to challenge producers, making export opportunities unpredictable. Switzerland maintains its position as a consistent apple producer, with the regions of Thurgau and Valais leading the way. France anticipates a promising marketing year with increased harvest volumes and strong demand, while Italy is optimistic about a bountiful season, especially for organic and club apples.

In North America, Washington State is poised for a substantial apple crop, while New York faces challenges due to adverse weather conditions. Argentina is enjoying export growth to nearby destinations, led by strong demand in Brazil and other South American countries, though European markets show varying trends.