The overall trend in many markets around the world is that of lower prices for tomatoes. This is largely due to lower demand from consumers coupled with stronger supply. Even in Italy, known for their strong tomato consumption, demand is stagnant. This has caused prices to plummet over the past 10 days. The supply from Spain, Turkey and Morocco brings added competition. In Germany an oversupply of tomatoes is forcing prices down.
Ample supply is available from domestic German suppliers as well as the Netherlands, Belgium and Italy. In France the large supply on the market is not met by the demand, which is trending lower, especially at the end of the month. This has caused downward pressure on prices. The greenhouse campaign in Almería, Spain ends with the expectation of starting earlier in 2024/25. The imports of tomatoes from Morocco, which have led several associations and producer organizations in France to stage new protests, together with the supply from other origins, have contributed to the significant drop in prices that has been experienced in Almería in the winter tomato campaign.