In north-western Europe, pepper cultivation is slowly taking off, where Spain has been the leading producer and supplier to other EU countries in recent months. France is said to have had a timid start with the cold-greenhouse bell pepper season that has not yet started. It will only start in May-June.
Prices are slightly lower than usual at the start of the heated greenhouse pepper harvest from the Orléans region. Pepper production in Italy is currently concentrated in Sicily, where drought is a major challenge. Planting is also underway in Campania and Lazio, particularly in the Agro-Pontine area. In week 12, the pepper market showed average wholesale prices.
According to data from GfK Consumer Panel Services, 62% of Italian households have bought peppers over the last few years, especially in the months from June to September. The vegetable is particularly popular with families living in the south of Italy, which have a basic socio-demographic profile and are composed of young people.