The global market for pears shows some interesting trends this year, driven by changing priorities and a drop in production in some countries.

In the Netherlands, pear growers are cautiously optimistic after a lower European pear harvest forecast, while Belgium foresees a favorable market due to reduced Italian production. Germany has seen the rise of European and Turkish pear batches, outperforming overseas imports.

Italy faces a significant drop in production due to adverse weather conditions, leading to potential supply shortages.

Spain is witnessing a lively market, driven by strong demand for select pear varieties and boosted by reduced Italian supply. In South Africa, pear exports are expected to be lower than last year, but currency dynamics offer a silver lining.

China’s pear orchards remain unaffected by floods, and Hebei province anticipates a consistent yield.

In North America, Washington’s pear crop sees a slight decrease, while Argentina’s pear exports shift towards prioritizing nearby Latin American destinations, away from European markets.