Over 20% of the earth’s fertile land is already degraded. Deserts are spreading so fast that global agriculture may only have 60 harvests left. 12 million hectares of fertile land perish to desertification annually according to the United Nations. That is 2,000 football fields of fertile soil turning to sand every hour. As this plays out, our global population is growing so fast that we will need more food in the next 40 years than the planet has produced in the last 500 years.

The Desert Control vision is to make the earth green again, by stopping and reversing desertification and soil degradation. With their unique product they want to turn degraded land and sand to fertile soil, and at the same time reduce the water usage for green ecosystems up to 50 percent.

Desert Control offers the solution that can revolutionise the war against desertification. Liquid Natural Clay (LNC), can turn desert sand into fertile soil in less than 7 hours. A process which previously has taken between 7 and 12 years. This is a game-changer, fueling their  hope to make earth green again.